Protein Expression Media

Unique blends of Expression Media that increase the expression of proteins in E. coli up to 20 times more than industry standard LB Broth has been developed by AthenaES. Easy-to-use Media Optimization Kit, helps researchers to quickly determine which medium best expresses their protein. Each of the media are also available for purchase separately in different formats of powdered, liquid, and animal free certified formulations and in various convenient sizes.

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Browse the list of Expression media reagents below

Media Optimization Kit™
Determine the best medium for expression of recombinant proteins
ACES™ Kits
Kits designed to fully encompass the entire expression process from building plasmid vectors to recovery of purified product.
ExpressMax™ Fermentation Media
Fermentation media for protein production
Turbo Broth™

Media ideal for base of fermentation cultures, yields 4 to 5 times that of LB BrothTurbo Broth™, Single Packs - box of 10
Superior Broth™Ideal Media for large-scale plasmid preparation
Power Broth™Media ideal for base of fermentation cultures, yields 3 to 4 times that of LB Broth
Hyper Broth™Media ideal as base for fermentation cultures and feed-batch applications
Glucose M9YMinimal medium formulation supplemented with yeast extract
LB BrothIndustry standard, available in Luria, Lennox, and Miller formulations
Animal-Product-Free Media
APF Certified™ Media, Available in Liquid or Powder
Animal-Product-Free Certified™ casein hydrolysate replacement
LB Booster™
Medium additive for improving productivity of LB Broth
Pre-induction Conditioner for increasing level of expression
Glucose Nutrient Mix
APF Certified™ medium supplement for enhancing expression
ACES™ Promoter Selection Kit
used to evaluate Promoter Activity to optimize Expression Levels
ACES™ Signal Sequence KitExport Proteins Using SEC, SRP or TAT pathway
ACES™ YebF Protein Export Kit
YebF Protein Chaperones Target Protein Through
E.coli Membranes
ACES™ Accessory Products
Plasmids, media, media supplements, antibodies
PERK™ Protein Expression Rescue Kit
Maximize soluble protein during expression